Athlete Information
The Special Olympics sports experience has always been rooted in the radical
notion that every person has the capacity to be an Olympian. Whether your interest is competitive or social in nature, we’ve
got you covered. Area 2 Special Olympics organizes and/or runs about 15 competitions each year for athletes of all ages,
at no cost to participants

During the Summer Games (2017), our Athletes demonstrated their abilities
and stamina as they participated in three days of competition in our State Capital. The weather was perfect for these exciting
events. Our Athletes were given a special treat. The Opening Ceremonies were held outside in the Robins Stadium! We participated
in Aquatics, Bowling, Softball, Tennis, and Track & Field. In between the various competitions, our Athletes were able
to again participate in the Healthy Athletes Initiative, offering screenings, treatments, and referrals in the fields of hearing,
dental, vision, and fitness. We also had our own Wade Crawford from Chesapeake demonstrating the Get
SO Fit program and leading in several workshops throughout the weekend. As usual, our Athletes looked forward to the
dance at the close of the festivities! Everyone came home excited to share their experiences with those at home!